When elegance meets comfort and blends with the new design, our awesome crew and the endless blue, the Lagoon 42 is made. It is a completely new design from the keel to the tip of the mast. Defined by sleek curves and a ground-breaking single level cockpit… this boat offers limitless possibilities for an enviable on water lifestyle. * The company reserves the right a) to modify the route of the cruise or cancel it due to inclement weather b) to carry out the cruise with any vessel of the same category depending on the availability. **Our crew uses 1 or 2 of the available cabins and 1 head. *** For half-day or full-day use of the vessel (with a crew), kindly enquire via the booking request.
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Zmerno: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se vrne, če se odpoveduje do 31 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpoveduje do 8 dni pred prijavo. več
BednBlue prosi vse, da pred potovanjem ali zakupom potrdijo nekaj stvari.
BednBlue prosi vse, da potrdijo nekaj stvari, preden stopijo v stik z drugimi člani.
To boste morali storiti le enkrat.
Obrazec za rezervacijo svetovalca
Izpolnite spodnji obrazec in kmalu boste prejeli predloge z idealnimi jahtami za vaše potovanje.
Vaš obrazec je bil uspešno oddan!
Kmalu vas bo kontaktiral potovalni strokovnjak in vam predlagal idealne jahte za vaše potovanje.
Oglejte si primerne jahte zdaj