Beneteau Cyclades 50.5

Beneteau 50


50 ft

9 Gostje

6 Kabine

5 Postelje


  • Največje število gostov za spanje: 9
  • Največje število gostov na križarjenju: 12
  • Vrsta plovila: Jadrnica
  • Dolžina: 50 ft (15 m)
  • Kopalnice: 3
  • Kuhinje: 1
  • Kabine: 6

  • Kontaktni lastnik
  • Proizvajalec: Beneteau
  • Model: Cyclades 50.5
  • Vgrajeno v: 07 / 2007
  • Prenova v: 04 / 2023
  • Motorji: 1 x 100hp
  • Vrsta goriva: Dizel
  • Zmogljivost vode: 1000 L
  • Zmogljivost goriva: 400 L

Postelje: (5)

  • 4 x Dvojni
  • 1 x Dvonadstropna postelja


  • Topla voda
  • Sončni šotor
  • Tuš na palubi
  • Zvočniki na krovu
  • Miza v kokpitu
  • Čoln / čoln
  • Daljnogledi
  • Luč bakle
  • Električno stranišče
  • Zamrzovalnik
  • Hladilnik
  • Pečica
  • Jedilni pribor / kozarci / posoda
  • Aparat za kavo
  • Povezava USB
  • Mp3 predvajalnik / radio / CD
  • Sončni paneli
  • Električni pretvornik
  • Napihljive cevi / krofi
  • Oprema za potapljanje
  • Deska za padel
  • Samodejni sistem za gašenje
  • Avtopilot
  • Električno sidro
  • Blatniki
  • Pištola za rakete
  • Vodiči in zemljevidi
  • Ročni gasilni aparati
  • Rešilni jopiči
  • Navigacijski sistem
  • Satelitski telefon
  • Izvenkrmni motor
  • VHF


From hidden anchorages away from the tourist hustle and bustle to traditionally Greek seaside tavernas – Beneteau Cyclades 50.5 lives up to her name as she takes guests on unforgettable, authentically Greek sailing holidays! From family friendly charters to voyages for couples or friends, She certainly has something for everyone. Beneteau Cyclades 50.5 is not only the name of the boat, it’s the philosophy behind it: You only have one life so enjoy every minute of it and create wonderful memories – that’s how one can sum up the adventures of Beneteau Cyclades 50.5 the Greek written by Nikos Kazantzakis. Owners Aga and Greg and their crew hostess Agatka (Aga’s sister) and skipper Arnon, share his love for Greece – the slow life, marvellous sunny landscape and kind people with unbreakable optimism. They appreciate the beauty of nature, the joy of life, good music and great food. So when you are on board of Beneteau Cyclades 50.5, naturally you begin to share this philosophy and feel its good influence. The sailing daily distances depend on our guests mood - we are flexible in adjusting to their needs. Each night we are showing our guests well selected and our favorite Tavernas with absolutely amazing local food and wine. Nights we plan to spend in the harbours or on anchor and each day on a new island. This cruise is a mix of sailing, sightseeing and enjoying delicious local food :) Be close to nature and feel the freedom that only sailing can offer you :) Whenever possible, the boat will be going on sails being environment-friendly and creating opportunities for gaining sailing knowledge for those interested, while others can relax, sunbathe and enjoy fast sailing at ease with a glass of wine in their hand. The itineraries prepared by the Owners and their crew are the absolute best of what Greece has to offer. Their local knowledge will guide you to the crystal clear blue sea, small harbours away from tourist crowds and their passion for food and wine will enable you to taste Greece in a way exceeding expectations. The Beneteau Cyclades 50.5 has 5 cabins + skipper cabin with a separate entrance and 3 toilets. 4 of the cabins have double beds and the 5th one has got the bunk bed. Fully refurbished in 2024. Due to the nautical construction, she’s a great boat to sail, whether you’re an experienced sailor looking for some sunshine or a novice wanting to try something new. She sails fast, heal when going close to the wind :) a great choice for those seeking sailing adventure and wish to learn abt sailing.

Posadka: (2)

  • Arnon
  • Agatka

Jeziki posadke:

Hebrew, Greek, English (US), English (UK), Polish


Območje plovbe

Use two fingers to move the map

Glavna marina:


Druge začetne marine (brezplačno):

  • Aegina
  • Naxos

Pravila odpovedi:

  • Strogo: Pri odpovedi do 31 dni pred prijavo je mogoče vrniti 60% zneska pristojbine za jahto. več


  • Kajenje na krovu ni dovoljeno
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke ?
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke ?
  • Primerno za otroke ?
  • Čas prijave: s spletne strani 18:00 do . 00:00
  • Čas odjave: 09:00
  • Čas odjave za dnevno uporabo: Prilagodljiv



Aga – a film producer in “previous life” (one can still find her film on Netflix), joined Greg eight years ago when she came for a sailing holiday on board’s Greg’s boat and never left! Since that moment it has been her job to take care of all guests and make them feel at home – something she’s certainly a natural at. She will show Guests all the hidden gems, take care of all the logistics around the trip and solve any issue that may occur. She will explain what each island has to offer, as well as recommend the best viewpoints and local spots. Her enthusiasm to give Guests the best high quality sailing experience on Eleuthera 60 is unquestionable and her love of Greece from the water is truly infectious! Aga is the chef on board cruises. Guests can expect delicious, healthy, fresh and truly local meals (often said to be the reason of returning on board Eleuthera 60). The products used on board are organic, some of them homemade (eg. feta made by Owner’s friend Giota from milk of her own goats or organic olive oil pressed by Panagiotis from his trees) while others bought on local fresh vegetable and fish markets or coming directly from local friend’s gardens. Aga, using her nutrition knowledge, will do her best to provide healthy, mouth-watering meals, which not only influence body’s well being but also feed the soul.

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O vašem potovanju

Koliko gostov se bo udeležilo tega potovanja?
Spanje gostov
Največ: 9
Gostje na križarjenju
Največ: 12
Sporočilo lastniku:
  • Kajenje na krovu ni dovoljeno
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke
  • Primerno za otroke
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 0% povračilo na dan

Potrdite in plačajte

Plačajte z:
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Ime na kartici
Številka kartice
Iztek veljavnosti
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Za plačilne metode, kot so nas:
  • Denarna sredstva
  • Ali druga metoda

Pomembno je, da se najprej obrnete na predstavnika BednBlue, saj lahko pride do zamude pri zaključku transakcije, mi pa moramo zagotoviti, da vam bo ponudba na voljo.

Postopek je preprost:

  • Za plačilo z bančnim nakazilom kliknite spodnji gumb.
  • Stopili bomo v stik z lastnikom, rezervirali čoln za vas in vam poslali e-poštno sporočilo s podatki o plačilu.
  • Na koncu zaključite transakcijo in potrdite rezervacijo!
Beneteau 50
Začetna marina
Terminalska marina
Pravilnik o odpovedi
Brez posadke
Napitnina ?
Drugačna marina Terminal
Pristojbina za čiščenje ?
Dodatne storitve
Pristojbina za storitve ?
Dodajte kupon

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