Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42i

Jeanneau 42


42 ft

5 Gostje

3 Kabine

3 Postelje


  • Največje število gostov za spanje: 5
  • Največje število gostov na križarjenju: 8
  • Vrsta plovila: Jadrnica
  • Dolžina: 42 ft (13 m)
  • Kopalnice: 2
  • Kuhinje: 1
  • Kabine: 3

  • Kontaktni lastnik
  • Proizvajalec: Jeanneau
  • Model: Sun Odyssey 42i
  • Vgrajeno v: 03 / 2008
  • Prenova v: 03 / 2022
  • Motorji: 1 x 54hp
  • Vrsta goriva: Dizel
  • Poraba: 4 L /uro
  • Zmogljivost vode: 350 L
  • Zmogljivost goriva: 130 L
  • Največja potovalna hitrost: 9 vozli

Postelje: (3)

  • 2 x Dvojni
  • 1 x Raztegljiv kavč


  • Generator električne energije
  • AC
  • Topla voda
  • Sončni šotor
  • Tuš na palubi
  • Zvočniki na krovu
  • Miza v kokpitu
  • Čoln / čoln
  • Ogrevanje
  • Daljnogledi
  • Luč bakle
  • Varnostni sistem
  • Zamrzovalnik
  • Hladilnik
  • Pečica
  • Jedilni pribor / kozarci / posoda
  • Aparat za kavo
  • Vroče plošče
  • TV
  • Pomožna povezava
  • Povezava USB
  • Mp3 predvajalnik / radio / CD
  • Ribolovna palica
  • Oprema za potapljanje
  • Jadrnica
  • Kopje


A 42 feet Sailing Boat (Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42i) in very good conditions (totally renovated on March 2022, like new) fully Equipped and with Air-Conditioner located at the area of West Crete and can accommodate up to eight persons + Crew total 10 for the daily cruises. We make daily cruises to Lagoon of Balos and Gramvousa Island. The distance from Kissamos Port to Gramvousa Island and lagoon of Balos is around 10 miles. Cruise speed of our sailing boat normally is 7,5 knt, so we need about one hour and a quarter. We offer and multiday cruises up to five persons + Skipper total six. With that Sailing Boat you can spend your holidays at the harbours or at private bays and beaches of West Crete or at Cyclades Islands and see Unique beaches. and Exotic Places. We suggest you the following destinations: Multiday cruise from Kissamos port to Elaphonishi Beach round trip. Distance from Kissamos port to Elaphonishi beach is near 40 miles, and on the way to Elaphonishi beach we visit Lagoon of Balos, Gramvousa Island, Falasarna Beach and much more. Minimum duration of multiday cruise is three days. The first day we spend it at Lagoon of Balos and Gramvousa Island . The second day at Falasarna Beach and Elaphonishi Beach and the third day for the return. With that cruise you can see all the west coast of Crete. Multiday cruise from Kissamos port to Kithira Island round trip. Distance from Kissamos port to Kithira Island near 50 miles and takes near 7 hours. Minimum duration of multiday cruise is three days (one day for the way to Kithira plus one day to visit hot spots of Kithira Island plus one day for the return. Multiday cruise from Kissamos port to Milos Island round trip. Distance from Kissamos port to Milos Island near 85 miles and takes near 12 hours. Minimum duration of multiday cruise is four days (one day for the way to Milos plus two days to visit hot spots of Milos Island plus one day for the return. Multiday cruise from Kissamos port to Santorini Island round trip. Distance from Chania port to Santorini Island near 110 miles and takes near 14 hours. Minimum duration of multiday cruise is four days (one day for the way to Santorini plus two day to visit hot spots of Santorini Island plus one day for the return. Also we can pick up you from any Island from Cyclades with extra cost for the transfer of the boat from Crete Island.

Posadka: (1)

  • Vasilis

Jeziki posadke:

Greek, English (US), English (UK)


Območje plovbe

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Glavna marina:


Druge začetne marine (brezplačno):

Pravila odpovedi:

  • Prilagodljiv: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se povrne, če se odpoved odpove do 7 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpove do 1 dan pred prijavo. več


  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke ?
  • Dogodki in zabave niso dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke ?
  • Primerno za otroke ?
  • Čas prijave: Kadar koli po 11:00
  • Čas odjave: 10:00
  • Čas odjave za dnevno uporabo: 19:00




23 Jul 2024
Označite ta pregled

My partner and I had a fantastic five days/nights on the sailboat together with Captain Vasilis. He is a genuinely lovely person, with no fakeness, complete authenticity. He also happens to be a super talented captain and a fantastic chef! The boat is very spacious, well taken care of, and looks completely new and fresh. Bathroom+shower is very usable. Sleeping in the cabin was very comfortable. Sailing with her was a magical experience. We have been to many places on our five days trips. We started on the Kissamos port, went for a short swim on Gramvousa Island, and then to the Kythira island, which took around seven hours of the most fun sailing with the best sunsets. We spent two nights on the Kythira island where in the daytime we went swimming in extraordinary places, and in the evening the Captain took us to the beautiful Castle and then for the best pizza in our life. After that, we sailed back to the Crete and spent the day on the beautiful Balos beach, eating the best Greek salad prepared by the Captain with his delicious olive oil. In the following days, we sailed on the island's West side, swam in the clean blue water, ate good food, and had a lot of fun. We 100% recommend going for a multi-day trip with Captain Vasilis. We are already planning a ten days trip to the Milos, Santorini, and Mykonos together on the Stella with the Captain.

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O vašem potovanju

Koliko gostov se bo udeležilo tega potovanja?
Spanje gostov
Največ: 5
Gostje na križarjenju
Največ: 8
Sporočilo lastniku:
  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke
  • Dogodki in zabave niso dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke
  • Primerno za otroke
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 0% povračilo na dan

Potrdite in plačajte

Plačajte z:
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Ime na kartici
Številka kartice
Iztek veljavnosti
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Za plačilne metode, kot so nas:
  • Bančno nakazilo
  • Denarna sredstva
  • Ali druga metoda

Pomembno je, da se najprej obrnete na predstavnika BednBlue, saj lahko pride do zamude pri zaključku transakcije, mi pa moramo zagotoviti, da vam bo ponudba na voljo.

Jeanneau 42
Začetna marina
Terminalska marina
Pravilnik o odpovedi
Brez posadke
Napitnina ?
Drugačna marina Terminal
Pristojbina za čiščenje ?
Dodatne storitve
Pristojbina za storitve ?
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