Beneteau Oceanis 37

Beneteau 37



37 ft

4 Gostje

2 Kabine

4 Postelje


  • Največje število gostov za spanje: 4
  • Največje število gostov na križarjenju: 10
  • Vrsta plovila: Jadrnica
  • Dolžina: 37 ft (11 m)
  • Kopalnice: 1
  • Kuhinje: 1
  • Kabine: 2

  • Kontaktni lastnik
  • Proizvajalec: Beneteau
  • Model: Oceanis 37
  • Vgrajeno v: 11 / 2010
  • Motorji: 1 x 30hp
  • Vrsta goriva: Dizel
  • Poraba: 4 L /uro
  • Zmogljivost vode: 350 L
  • Zmogljivost goriva: 130 L
  • Največja potovalna hitrost: 7 vozli

Postelje: (4)

  • 2 x Kraljeva velikost
  • 2 x Dvojni


  • Topla voda
  • Sončni šotor
  • Tuš na palubi
  • Zvočniki na krovu
  • Miza v kokpitu
  • Čoln / čoln
  • Daljnogledi
  • Luč bakle
  • Zamrzovalnik
  • Hladilnik
  • Pečica
  • Jedilni pribor / kozarci / posoda
  • Aparat za kavo
  • Vroče plošče
  • WiFi
  • Pomožna povezava
  • Povezava USB
  • Mp3 predvajalnik / radio / CD
  • Sušilnik za lase
  • Iron
  • Sončni paneli
  • Ribolovna palica
  • Oprema za potapljanje
  • Veslaški čoln
  • Jadrnica
  • Surfboard
  • Deska za padel
  • Samodejni sistem za gašenje
  • Avtopilot
  • Električno sidro
  • Blatniki
  • Pištola za rakete
  • Vodiči in zemljevidi
  • Ročni gasilni aparati
  • Rešilni jopiči
  • Navigacijski sistem
  • Radar
  • Satelitski telefon
  • Električni vitli
  • Izvenkrmni motor
  • VHF


Please note: there are also 6, 4 and 2 hours rental options (ask prices by sending a private message). All prices includes skipper, fuel, insurance, taxes and a welcome bottle of wine. No bare-boat available. A modern, fancy, spacious, comfy and well equipped sail boat from Beneteau. Designed by the well known Jean Marie Finot studios, she's the perfect symbiosis between design and performance. With a 2 spacious cabins and convertible saloon you can have 8 persons sleeping on board. Carefully maintained and fully equipped with security and sail (mainsail, headsail & gennaker) gear. Lisbon is the oldest city in Western Europe, even predating capitals such as Rome, Paris and London. You can breath history everywhere. But Lisbon is much more! Has a great deal of street art, with walls, floors and buildings demanding your attention. The ornate city centre is flagged by tiled art deco shop fronts, pastry shops and tailors. The baroque streets are named according to the shopkeepers and craftsman who traded in the area. The night is colorful and full of life. The food and the wine is so tasteful it won't be a sin to be eating and drinking for days! But the best... Ah, the best! The best is the surrounding waters. The Tagus river and the Atlantic ocean, the awesome coastline, the bays, the sea life, the sunset colors, the overwhelming view from the river... That's the best! Cascais, Costa da Caparica, Sesimbra, Troia... Lisbon is full of amazing places easy accessible from the waters. A must do! Regarding me... I'm suspect, but I consider myself an easy going person, sailing is my passion and the river is my backyard. As a local, I'll be pleased to share my knowledge with you. Not only about the surroundings, food and wine but also about sailing! Everyone must try it, at least once in a life time. Come and try! Note: the price includes a professional skipper (me or a colleague) and insurances;

Posadka: (1)

  • Leo

Jeziki posadke:

English (US), English (UK), German, Spanish, Portuguese


Območje plovbe

Use two fingers to move the map

Glavna marina:


Pravila odpovedi:

  • Zmerno: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se vrne, če se odpoveduje do 31 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpoveduje do 8 dni pred prijavo. več


  • Kajenje na krovu ni dovoljeno
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke ?
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke ?
  • Primerno za otroke ?
  • Čas prijave: s spletne strani 10:00 do . 11:00
  • Čas odjave: 16:00
  • Čas odjave za dnevno uporabo: 17:00



92 Mnenja:

23 Feb 2022
Označite ta pregled

Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us! This was a fantastic and magical way to see Lisbon. We loved the insight you shared about your city. This was an absolutely awesome way to end our Portugal adventure 10/10

28 Oct 2021
Označite ta pregled

Wonderful evening trip on a beautiful yacht to watch the evening Sun .. I would have loved a bit more wind but on the other hand our delicious vinho verde was not lost overboard :) We'll be back next time we're in Lisbon I'm sure ... I'll be hoping for a bit more wind - Obviously this skpper knows what he is doing so I would love to see the boat really flying!

3 Sep 2021
Označite ta pregled

Amazing boat and wonderful hosts - thank you Leonardo and Tona! This is a magical and thrilling way to see the city of Lisbon

27 Aug 2021
Označite ta pregled

Amazing experience! Really beautiful boat (better than the pictures), super friendly hosts and the best way to see the whole city. Would 100% recommend and would book again with Leo in the future!

24 Aug 2021
Označite ta pregled

We had a lovely time with Leo and his boat, he made us feel really welcome and we had a great sail along the Tagus. We’d highly recommend this experience.

23 Aug 2021
Označite ta pregled

I can’t recommend Leonardo enough. He knows a great deal about the city and of course, even more about sailing. He answered all of our questions and showed us all of the sights. He even warmed us to bring something warm! The wine and cheese were the perfect touch as we watched the sun set over the water. Can’t recommend him enough.

21 Aug 2021
Označite ta pregled

Such a great experience and definitely the highlight of our Lisbon Trip :) It is so worth it! Leonardo was so kind and friendly, his sailing boat is a dream and the atmosphere and the views are just awesome :)

17 Aug 2021
Označite ta pregled

Leo was an amazing host. We paid for a private charter and would highly recommend to anyone. The instructions , communications prior to the sail were excellent and clear. This experience is for anyone who actually enjoys sailing. I saw lots of similar charters with only a jib up, or not sailing at all which- however Leo is an excellent sailor and even in chargeable conditions we were able to proceed under only sail for a decent stretch. Also a lot of the other charters they seemed to be a little crammed on, with 8-12 people sitting all over a small boat. The boat is super nice (just upgraded and is really modern and slick) and a real treat too. Leo is very personable, friendly and explains a lot of the main sights along the way. Seriously, over the others I saw whilst out on the water - I was really happy we made the right choice to go with Leo. All the best to you and thanks for giving us an amazing experience out on the water in Lisbon

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O vašem potovanju

Koliko gostov se bo udeležilo tega potovanja?
Spanje gostov
Največ: 4
Gostje na križarjenju
Največ: 10
Sporočilo lastniku:
  • Kajenje na krovu ni dovoljeno
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke
  • Primerno za otroke
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 0% povračilo na dan

Varnostni depozit: $ 1,034 ?

Dodatni predpisi:

Guests younger than 18 years old can't drink alcohol by Portuguese law enforcement. Children must be accompanied by an adult. It's strictly forbidden to smoke or make any kind of fire on board for security reasons. All passengers must be at the meeting point 15 minutes before departure.

Potrdite in plačajte

Plačajte z:
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Ime na kartici
Številka kartice
Iztek veljavnosti
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Za plačilne metode, kot so nas:
  • Denarna sredstva
  • Ali druga metoda

Pomembno je, da se najprej obrnete na predstavnika BednBlue, saj lahko pride do zamude pri zaključku transakcije, mi pa moramo zagotoviti, da vam bo ponudba na voljo.

Postopek je preprost:

  • Za plačilo z bančnim nakazilom kliknite spodnji gumb.
  • Stopili bomo v stik z lastnikom, rezervirali čoln za vas in vam poslali e-poštno sporočilo s podatki o plačilu.
  • Na koncu zaključite transakcijo in potrdite rezervacijo!
Beneteau 37
Začetna marina
Terminalska marina
Pravilnik o odpovedi
Brez posadke
Napitnina ?
Drugačna marina Terminal
Pristojbina za čiščenje ?
Dodatne storitve
Pristojbina za storitve ?
Dodajte kupon

na noč
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