Bavaria 41

Bavaria 41

Skiathos, Greece


41 ft

4 Gostje

3 Kabine

3 Postelje


  • Največje število gostov za spanje: 4
  • Največje število gostov na križarjenju: 10
  • Vrsta plovila: Jadrnica
  • Dolžina: 41 ft (12 m)
  • Kopalnice: 2
  • Kuhinje: 1
  • Kabine: 3

  • Kontaktni lastnik
  • Proizvajalec: Bavaria
  • Model: 41
  • Vgrajeno v: 06 / 2002
  • Motorji: 1 x 55hp
  • Vrsta goriva: Dizel
  • Poraba: 4 L /uro
  • Zmogljivost vode: 1000 L
  • Zmogljivost goriva: 200 L
  • Največja potovalna hitrost: 7 vozli

Postelje: (3)

  • 3 x Dvojni


  • Generator električne energije
  • Topla voda
  • Sončni šotor
  • Tuš na palubi
  • Zvočniki na krovu
  • Miza v kokpitu
  • Čoln / čoln
  • Ogrevanje
  • Daljnogledi
  • Luč bakle
  • Električno stranišče
  • Varnostni sistem
  • Hladilnik
  • Pečica
  • Jedilni pribor / kozarci / posoda
  • Aparat za kavo
  • Izdelovalec ledu
  • BBQ
  • Koktajl bar
  • Vroče plošče
  • Toaster
  • TV
  • WiFi
  • Pomožna povezava
  • Povezava USB
  • Mp3 predvajalnik / radio / CD
  • Predvajalnik DVD
  • Sušilnik za lase
  • Iron
  • Satelitska televizija
  • Napihljive cevi / krofi
  • Ribolovna palica
  • Wakeboard
  • Deska za padel
  • Oprema za potapljanje
  • Kajak
  • Igrače za plažo
  • Kolesa
  • Avto
  • Iskalnik rib / sonar


Unique Sailing Experience Day Sailing from Skiathos ! Day full of sun, drinks, good food and a lot of fun and relaxation! Treat yourself to a memorable day, which will be one of the highlights of your holiday in Skiathos. Enjoy an unforgettable excursion - cruising experience on a luxury 41 ft Sailing Yacht. This Yacht is very spaces, has 3 double cabins, 2 bathrooms, external shower and a big living room. Enjoy sailing through the crystal clear water, breathtaking scenery all around, stay on the beautiful white sand beaches, snorkel inside the lagoons, explore the local marine line, and enjoy delicious food and bar services. This cruise is all about making sure you have a full day of true relaxation and fun.The island Skopelos is most famous for if its beautiful unspoiled beaches, with crystal clear water surrounding the entire island. You will enjoy full delicious lunch buffet set on the tavern or on the yacht. Please note that the menu includes fresh fish, fresh meat and a selection of fresh salads. If you are a vegetarian, please advice us before, so we can arrange the necessary additions to the lunch. As part of the cruise you will pass by an amazing lagoon, where swimming and snorkeling are a must. During this excursion you will be able to see dolphins, seals, turtles and more... If this will happen, the crew will stop the boat, in order for you to observe these great animals from close in their natural environment. Of course you can choose to stay on the beautiful white sand beaches, enjoy a sun bath or a nice walk on the Island. This amazing paradise island is the perfect setting for a relaxing day of sun worship. This is no doubt a great place to enjoy a day of relaxation and fun on one of the picture-postcard beaches or enjoy swimming and snorkeling in the sea. During the sail you can enjoy light snacks, the bar services and the music. Change Your Life for One Day...Maybe for Ever !

Posadka: (2)

  • George
  • Dina

Jeziki posadke:

Greek, English (US), English (UK), Italian


Območje plovbe

Use two fingers to move the map

Glavna marina:

Skiathos, Greece

Pravila odpovedi:

  • Super strogi: Pri odpovedi do 60 dni pred prijavo je mogoče vrniti 50% zneska pristojbine za jahto. več


  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke ?
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke ?
  • Primerno za otroke ?
  • Čas prijave: s spletne strani 18:00 do . 19:00
  • Čas odjave: 09:00
  • Čas odjave za dnevno uporabo: Prilagodljiv



Day Sailing from Skiathos ! Day full of sun, drinks, good food and a lot of fun and relaxation! Treat yourself to a memorable day, which will be one of the highlights of your holiday in Skiathos. Enjoy an unforgettable excursion - cruising experience on a luxury 41 ft Sailing Yacht. This Yacht is very spaces, has 3 double cabins, 2 bathrooms, external shower and a big living room. Enjoy sailing through the crystal clear water, breathtaking scenery all around, stay on the beautiful white sand beaches, snorkel inside the lagoons, explore the local marine line, and enjoy delicious food and bar services. This cruise is all about making sure you have a full day of true relaxation and fun. The island Skopelos is most famous for if its beautiful unspoiled beaches, with crystal clear water surrounding the entire island. You will enjoy full delicious lunch buffet set on the tavern or on the yacht. Please note that the menu includes fresh fish, fresh meat and a selection of fresh salads. If you are a vegetarian, please advice us before, so we can arrange the necessary additions to the lunch. As part of the cruise you will pass by an amazing lagoon, where swimming and snorkeling are a must. During this excursion you will be able to see dolphins, seals, turtles and more... If this will happen, the crew will stop the boat, in order for you to observe these great animals from close in their natural environment. Of course you can choose to stay on the beautiful white sand beaches, enjoy a sun bath or a nice walk on the Island. This amazing paradise island is the perfect setting for a relaxing day of sun worship. This is no doubt a great place to enjoy a day of relaxation and fun on one of the picture-postcard beaches or enjoy swimming and snorkeling in the sea. During the sail you can enjoy light snacks, the bar services and the music. Change Your Life for One Day...Maybe for Ever !

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O vašem potovanju

Koliko gostov se bo udeležilo tega potovanja?
Spanje gostov
Največ: 4
Gostje na križarjenju
Največ: 10
Sporočilo lastniku:
  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke
  • Primerno za otroke
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 0% povračilo na dan

Varnostni depozit: $ 2,599 ?

Potrdite in plačajte

Plačajte z:
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Ime na kartici
Številka kartice
Iztek veljavnosti
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Za plačilne metode, kot so nas:
  • Bančno nakazilo
  • Denarna sredstva
  • Ali druga metoda

Pomembno je, da se najprej obrnete na predstavnika BednBlue, saj lahko pride do zamude pri zaključku transakcije, mi pa moramo zagotoviti, da vam bo ponudba na voljo.

Bavaria 41
Začetna marina
Terminalska marina
Pravilnik o odpovedi
Super strogi
Brez posadke
Napitnina ?
Drugačna marina Terminal
Pristojbina za čiščenje ?
Dodatne storitve
Pristojbina za storitve ?
Dodajte kupon

na noč
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