A high-performance boat, the Sun Odyssey 449 is cared for down to the smallest detail and designed to ensure maximum comfort for both the driver and the rest of the crew. The dynamic lines, daughters of the design signed by Philippe Briand, make the Sun Odyssey 449 pleasing to the eye, very elegant and sinuous and at the same time decisive in maneuvers, stable and easily manageable. But it is perhaps below deck that the experience on this boat becomes precious and unparalleled: airy and bright, strong>Arisaghia is equipped with many doors and windows, rounded corners, LED lighting. The materials are of the highest quality and exquisite workmanship; the interiors appear in a contemporary style, inspired by that of the more modern apartments. In short, it will be like feeling at home.
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Zmerno: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se vrne, če se odpoveduje do 31 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpoveduje do 8 dni pred prijavo. več
BednBlue prosi vse, da pred potovanjem ali zakupom potrdijo nekaj stvari.
BednBlue prosi vse, da potrdijo nekaj stvari, preden stopijo v stik z drugimi člani.
To boste morali storiti le enkrat.
Obrazec za rezervacijo svetovalca
Izpolnite spodnji obrazec in kmalu boste prejeli predloge z idealnimi jahtami za vaše potovanje.
Vaš obrazec je bil uspešno oddan!
Kmalu vas bo kontaktiral potovalni strokovnjak in vam predlagal idealne jahte za vaše potovanje.
Oglejte si primerne jahte zdaj