Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40

Fountaine Pajot 40



40 ft

8 Križarjenje

4 Kabine

4 Postelje


  • Največje število gostov za spanje: 0
  • Največje število gostov na križarjenju: 8
  • Vrsta plovila: Katamaran
  • Dolžina: 40 ft (12 m)
  • Kopalnice: 2
  • Kuhinje: 1
  • Kabine: 4

  • Kontaktni lastnik
  • Proizvajalec: Fountaine Pajot
  • Model: Lavezzi 40
  • Vgrajeno v: 10 / 2010
  • Prenova v: 10 / 2022
  • Motorji: 2 x 30hp
  • Vrsta goriva: Dizel

Postelje: (4)

  • 4 x Dvojni


  • Generator električne energije
  • Topla voda
  • Sončni šotor
  • Zvočniki na krovu
  • Miza v kokpitu
  • Čoln / čoln
  • Daljnogledi
  • Luč bakle
  • Električno stranišče
  • Hladilnik
  • Pečica
  • Jedilni pribor / kozarci / posoda
  • Pomivalni stroj
  • Mp3 predvajalnik / radio / CD
  • Jetski
  • Napihljive cevi / krofi
  • Wakeboard
  • Oprema za potapljanje
  • Kajak
  • Igrače za plažo
  • Jadrnica
  • Surfboard
  • Vodno smučanje
  • Veter Surf
  • Deska za padel


"This is the absolute highlight of my vacation in Rhodes", our guests rate this tour. Enjoy a wonderfully relaxing day on the spacious and elegant catamaran in a very private and luxurious way. A sailing experience at its finest. Snorkeling and swimming in the turquoise blue lagoon, a delicious lunch. What more could you want to completely relax? For families with children, for couples, friends and for everyone who wants to treat themselves to something special.

Posadka: (2)

  • Kapitan
  • Stevard/ica

Jeziki posadke:

English (UK), French, Italian


Območje plovbe

Use two fingers to move the map

Glavna marina:


Pravila odpovedi:

  • Prilagodljiv: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se povrne, če se odpoved odpove do 7 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpove do 1 dan pred prijavo. več


  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke ?
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke ?
  • Primerno za otroke ?
  • Čas prijave: Prilagodljiv
  • Čas odjave: Prilagodljiv



84 Mnenja:

10 Sep 2021
Označite ta pregled

We hired Sabinas catamaran yesterday for our friends and family and from start to finish the whole experience was amazing! Everyone so friendly and helped us with everything we needed to know, we stopped at the blue lagoon which was breathtaking! Had a gorgeous lunch prepared by Roland and his skipper ! Loved them both , really I wouldn’t book with anyone else!! Also i must say it’s very well sign posted to find so easy you can’t go wrong!! Thanks so much for the best day and I wish you all well :)

19 May 2020
Označite ta pregled

We are still flashed from todays tour with the speedboat. The reception at Sabine and Roland was warm and we felt comfortable from the first second. Then it went straight out with Roland on a bumpy ride. Great and exciting information followed on all possible topics of our tour and we got to see the most beautiful spots from the sea. The highlight was of course snorkeling, a little further out. Fish, jellyfish great rock formations under and over water, there was something of everything. In short: if you want to have a great experience and want to move away from mass tourism, you certainly wont go wrong with Sabine and Roland. @ Sabine and Roland: Thank you again for the fun. You were great.

9 May 2020
Označite ta pregled

Thank you! You are very friendly:) Best prices for water fun! Best service in Rhodes We have a nice boat trip

14 Nov 2019
Označite ta pregled

We rented Sabinas catamaran for the day, along with Luca, the captain, and Dorothy, his right hand, as a honeymoon treat, and OMG, it was the best money ever spent. My future husband had already contacted Sabina before we arrived and every email was answered promptly and in detail. Nothing was too much trouble. We were greeted with such a smile and great service and spoiled with information and food all day and drinking was an incredible 6 hours and the time we spent swimming, snorkeling and diving in the blue lagoon was not over this world. We would definitely recommend a trip here. It is well signposted from the main street.Thank you Sabine, Rolland, Luca & Dorothy for our great day!

7 Nov 2019
Označite ta pregled

My family of four had an unforgettable afternoon on the catamaran trip from Sabinas Watersports on the Greek island of Rhodes. The catamaran was booked with a six-hour sailing trip to the destination of the Blue Lagoon in Rhodes. Our expectations were exceeded and we had a really special day on the sailboat with our crew Luca and Dorothe. From the first moment of the warm welcome, we felt safe and welcome. Without further instructions, we set sail with two other guests. we were only six passengers, So every guest had more space on the well-kept deck and especially in the cloth on the bow of the catamaran, in which you could lie directly over the waves and relax wonderfully. After reaching the Blue Lagoon we made a swim stop and were allowed to dive into the wonderful turquoise water. Food was prepared by the crew and we had a delicious lunch. The tour continued to the bay of Lindos, from where you could also see the acropolis on the mountain.The sailing highlight of the day were the sections in which the crew extended both main sails and we glided across the water without a motor. This was possible half the time on our way there and on the way back just before we got back to the target beach. We were all more than satisfied with the sailing trip, thank you and Sabinas Watersports and of course our crew. The sailing trip is definitely recommendable and has made a great holiday in Rhodes unforgettable.

19 Oct 2019
Označite ta pregled

We spent a great day with a super nice team on a catamaran. Highly recommended!

18 Oct 2019
Označite ta pregled

Very nice, large offer from paddle to cat. Very friendly and authentic. Good material everything in great shape!

16 Oct 2019
Označite ta pregled

We saw the sign on the street by chance and spontaneously decided to go on a catamaran tour after chatting with Sabina (originally from Germany).Two days later we were traveling with a nice family from Israel (2 adults, 2 kids), the captain and another very nice employee. There were delicious snacks, drinks, good conversations, time out on the water, good opportunities to swim in the blue lagoon, ... overall it was a nice day and the people were all very nice. We started around 10.30 a.m. and were back on shore around 5 p.m. All in all really very successful and the price is justified!

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O vašem potovanju

Koliko gostov se bo udeležilo tega potovanja?
Spanje gostov
Največ: 0
Gostje na križarjenju
Največ: 8
Sporočilo lastniku:
  • Kajenje je dovoljeno na krovu
  • Kajenje v zaprtih prostorih ni dovoljeno
  • Ni primerno za hišne ljubljenčke
  • Dogodki in zabave so dovoljeni
  • Primerno za dojenčke
  • Primerno za otroke
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo
  • V primeru slabega vremena: 50% povračilo na dan

Potrdite in plačajte

Plačajte z:
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Ime na kartici
Številka kartice
Iztek veljavnosti
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
Še ni zaračunano
Plačani boste šele, ko bo lastnik sprejel vašo zahtevo za rezervacijo.
48-urna brezplačna odpoved
Ko je bila vaša rezervacija sprejeta, jo lahko brezplačno prekličete v 48 urah.
Za plačilne metode, kot so nas:
  • Denarna sredstva
  • Ali druga metoda

Pomembno je, da se najprej obrnete na predstavnika BednBlue, saj lahko pride do zamude pri zaključku transakcije, mi pa moramo zagotoviti, da vam bo ponudba na voljo.

Postopek je preprost:

  • Za plačilo z bančnim nakazilom kliknite spodnji gumb.
  • Stopili bomo v stik z lastnikom, rezervirali čoln za vas in vam poslali e-poštno sporočilo s podatki o plačilu.
  • Na koncu zaključite transakcijo in potrdite rezervacijo!
Fountaine Pajot 40
Začetna marina
Terminalska marina
Pravilnik o odpovedi
Brez posadke
Napitnina ?
Drugačna marina Terminal
Pristojbina za čiščenje ?
Dodatne storitve
Pristojbina za storitve ?
Dodajte kupon

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