The moment you realize what matters most in life is when you look at the Invictus TT28S. Muscle and grace. The pleasure of a day with fun on board with friends or family gets colored with the sporty nuance of the TT28S. Τhe interior is loaded with all the comforts of home and makes it the perfect boat for relaxing with friends or family. The wide deck and storage spaces and the high-quality materials, already made the boat appreciated in the sterndrive version. The Invictus TT28S offers a first class stability and the high freeboard keeps everyone safe and dry. With the new outboard configuration(YAMAHA 2x200 hp)and the high freeboard. The TT280S emphasizes a perfect balance between comfort and performance.
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Prilagodljiv: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se povrne, če se odpoved odpove do 7 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpove do 1 dan pred prijavo. več
BednBlue prosi vse, da pred potovanjem ali zakupom potrdijo nekaj stvari.
BednBlue prosi vse, da potrdijo nekaj stvari, preden stopijo v stik z drugimi člani.
To boste morali storiti le enkrat.
Obrazec za rezervacijo svetovalca
Izpolnite spodnji obrazec in kmalu boste prejeli predloge z idealnimi jahtami za vaše potovanje.
Vaš obrazec je bil uspešno oddan!
Kmalu vas bo kontaktiral potovalni strokovnjak in vam predlagal idealne jahte za vaše potovanje.
Oglejte si primerne jahte zdaj